How to use mutator in Killing Floor

Mutator — game modification that modifies only small part of game. As opposed to mods that can’t be mixed (only one can be active at the same time) you may add few mutators in game simultaneously.

There are four most common mutator types in Killing Floor:

    1. Mutator itself. It modifies specific game rules (armor welding ability, enchanced scoreboard)
    2. Weapon mutator. It adds new weapon to game (Hunting Rifle, PortalTurret)
    3. Zed mutator. It adds new specimen to game (Brute, HellFire)
    4. Character mutator. It adds new playable character model to game (Stig)

Also there are huge mutators packs like WTF or Hiyokomod. It consists of few different mutator types at once. Installation of mutator pack equals to istep by step separate installations of each mutator from pack.


Let’s take a look on 1st mutator type installation with example of well known mutator called ServerPerks version 5.10. In downloaded archive you may find 5 files: ServerPerksV5.ini, ServerPerksV5.u, ServerPerksV5P.u, ServerPerksMut.u и ServerPerksMut.ucl. All mutator files with similar extensions should be copied at System subfolder of Killing Floor game folder. The key of almost all mutator installation is its .ucl file. Open ServerPerksMut.ucl by using general notepad and you may see text like below:

FallbackName="Server Veterancy Handler V5",
FallbackDesc="Use perks as privately on this server config instead of getting from global steam stats.")

You should pay attension on 2 places:

FallbackName="Server Veterancy Handler V5"



You may find this mutator by name Server Veterancy Handler V5 in Modifications tab during listening server creating. It may be added to server by simple double click on name. You may add some more mutators on your server in the same way.

Use code ServerPerksMut.ServerPerksMut to add mutator in dedicated server lauch string. E.g.:

ucc server KF-WestLondon.rom?game=KFMod.KFGameType?Mutator=ServerPerksMut.ServerPerksMut?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=16?ini=killingfloor.ini

If you need to add few mutators just add it using comma separating:


Mutators order may be important. E.g. if you add “weld armor” mutator before “remove weld” mutator then any welding ability disappears. If you exchange this mutators in order you give just welding armor ability only.


Let’s consider the way to add weapon mutator Colt Python version 1.2. In downloaded archive you may find few folders. You need copy all files from mutator folders to KF game subfolders with same name. If all files are in one place for some mutator there are rules: .ukx files should be copied to Animations, .uax to Sounds, .usx to StaticMeshes, .utx to Textures. About .u, .ucl and .ini files it writes above

Open WhiskyColt.ucl file using notepad:

Weapon=(ClassName=WhiskyColt.WColt,PickupClassName=WhiskyColt.WColtPickup, AttachmentClassName=WhiskyColt.WColtAttachment,FriendlyName= WhiskyColt.WColt.ItemName,Description=WhiskyColt.WColt.Description, FallbackName="Colt Python",FallbackDesc="A Colt Python .375")

Find part:


Using code WhiskyColt.WColtPickup you may add this weapon to Killing Floor shop by way describes below.

Install ServerPerks mutator version 4.36 or higher or install Custom Shop version 2. If you choose ServerPerks, open ServerPerksV4.ini or ServerPerksV5.ini and add to the end of file this:

TraderInventory=1: WhiskyColt.WColtPickup

If you choose Custom Shop open KFCustomShopMutV2.ini file and add to the end of the file:

WeaponForSale= WhiskyColt.WColtPickup

After that changes weapons appear in Killing Floor trader shop.


It’s hard to get code for adding zed directly right in cases above. Usually it available with mutator or exists on KF web resources e.g. here. After you find needed code you may continue. Consider adding of Shiver zed. Code for adding it in game: Shiver.ZombieShiver.

Let’s add shiver to regular clots only squad. Open killingfloor.ini file, find [KFmod.KFGameType] section and find lines like:


Add new one


Pay attension on Mid=»Z». In quotes we set letter identifier that uses in already existing lines (A, B).

Then in same place find lines like:


and add to the end 1Z:


Now turn on sandbox on server and we’ll see that shivers appear now with clots (A letter) and crawlers (B letter).


Ability to add custom characters appears in ServerPerks since version 5. Let’s add a Stig character. Copy files from downloaded archive according rules below and pay attention on file ending Mod. For Stig it’s KFStigMod.u. The code for adding this character is letters before the mod ending. it’s KFStig for Stig character. Then open ServerPerksV5.ini and add to the end of the file line:


E.g. for Stig


Then you may choose Stig character in standart model select menu.

In one of further articles I’ll write about wave squads configuration.


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14 comments на «How to use mutator in Killing Floor»

  1. ManiacLesbian
    11 May 2012 в 20:50

    не получается оружие добавить, ни через Custom Shop ни через ServerPerks.
    через Custom Shop в магазине не появляется что добавил, некоторые пухи которые были до этого тоже нет. через
    ServerPerks вообще даже в зомби стрелять не могу, игра сразу просто закрывается.
    что делать?)

  2. MetalMedved
    12 May 2012 в 3:47

    внимательно читать инструкцию, у всех же работает

  3. Belez
    14 May 2012 в 14:33

    Все получилось вот только почему то все классы стали недоступны и скины тоже- при выборе пишет»Неизвестная ошибка Steam»(у меня пиратка)

  4. MetalMedved
    14 May 2012 в 16:36

    Если мутатор черный, то нужно использовать серверперки. Это азы

  5. Belez
    15 May 2012 в 14:12

    а можно поподробнее?)

  6. MetalMedved
    15 May 2012 в 15:59


  7. Belez
    16 May 2012 в 20:36

    как понять мутатор «черный» и обязательно ли проделовать все что описано в ссылке, чтобы просто перки были видны в одиночной игре?) подскажите пожалуйста

  8. MetalMedved
    16 May 2012 в 23:26

    Про виды мутаторов. Выводы надеюсь сделаешь самостоятельно

  9. Belez
    17 May 2012 в 18:10


  10. VazKoz
    18 May 2012 в 19:31

    играю с другом по LANу поставили мутатор на оружие- в магазине оно видно, но не покупается-подскажите пожалуйста что делать

  11. VazKoz
    18 May 2012 в 20:58

    я в этом деле нуб так что-если не трудно подскажите че делать0))

  12. кирилл
    26 May 2012 в 20:18

    WhiskyColt.ucl нету что делать 

  13. MetalMedved
    26 May 2012 в 21:54

    вот официальная ссылка на скачку кольта, и там этот файл есть

  14. Винни
    13 Jun 2013 в 0:03

    Появилась проблема, игра не видит мутаторы, как это исправить?

Your comment