«Mutators» category


Combo Damage

Shows combo damage with 5sec threshold. Multiplayer only

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KF 2 SDK Workshop tool fix 1057

Just copy with replace to game’s «Binaries» subfolder

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ServerExt fix 1057

Made fix of popular mutator Server Extension Addons for KF2 patch 1057.
Credits: Marco

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Syntax highlighting in Killing Floor

Inspite of presence of advanced coding tools there are many people who still use simple text editor for such purposes. To improve this way I share my unrealscript syntax highlighting for Notepad++ text editor tuned for Killing Floor.

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Download WTF Mod for Killing Floor

Version 1.4
Credits: Bees and Pees

All Hats in Killing Floor 2

All paid cosmetic items will be available for free!

Hunter Perk in Killing Floor

New perk with silent weapons, stunn traps and lure explosive

Country Tags in Killing Floor 2

Automatically adds country tag to player nickname

Server Monitor in Killing Floor

It monitors any server from gametracker.com. Standalone application that doesn’t requiers registraction at gametracker

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Autospawner in Killing Floor 2

Mutator allows players to enter the game during wave in progress right near team