Jack-o-lantern in Killing Floor

Free skin of original Halloween sign.

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Install guide

  • Online Way. Copy all files according Killing Floor folders. Add in Serverperks.ini line below: «CustomCharacters=Jackolantern» without quotes. In this way all server players can choose and view skin.

  • Offline Way. Copy all files according Killing Floor folders. Copy with replace Corporal_Lewis.upl file in Killing Floor System folder. After that player can use Jack-o-lantern skin as Corporal_Lewis one. Only client player can see new skin in this way.
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    3 comments на «Jack-o-lantern in Killing Floor»

    1. Винни
      26 Jan 2014 в 5:44

      Заметил маленькую ошибку тексте «в папку Sytem игры Killing Floor» – Sytem

    2. steve
      22 Jun 2015 в 19:11

      is there a link for the 92 skins i like the catwoman and joker and other ones but dont know there name

    3. MetalMedved
      22 Jun 2015 в 19:18

      this skin is free but most of my skins are payable. I definitely have joker skin and I can made catwoman skin by your order http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMpqQ7fh1Yc

    Your comment