Arhive for December 2013


ActorLoader in Killing Floor

This mutator is similar to MutLoader but for actors (mutators) that is attached in killingfloor.ini via ServerActors. Now it can be done in this mutator settings.

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PackageLoader in Killing Floor

This mutator is similar to MutLoader one but it is for server resources. Regularry they is attached in killingfloor.ini via ServerPackages. Now it can be done in this mutator settings.

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I Need Blood mutator in Killing Floor

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This mutator keeps zeds blood for configurable time.

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Share Your Ammo in Killing Floor

This tweak allows you to bind command that drop ammo. Player lost some of his ammo and ammo box is spawned on map. To prevent glitching there is a list of ammo that can be shared.

3D weapon at trader menu in Killing Floor

Now you see 3D weapon model in trader menu! There are many options to set good look angle and scale for each model
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UTS 15 Shotgun in Killing Floor

UTS 15 is pump action shotgun with 15-round dual magazine


MetalMedved got Youtube partnership program

I’m proud to say that my Youtube channel got direct partnership program! Now you have chance to help me in making new KF skins by watching my videos. If partnersheep profit per month exceeds 30 usd then I will make new free KF skin every month. Of cause all says above don’t affect on my main activity in this area. I continue to make custom KF modifications by order

Dog in Killing Floor

That dog helps you in combat and warns of the danger. You can heal it with med syringe.
