Arhive for July 2011


Dante and imperial guardsmen meets Killing Floor!

Proudly presents! 2 new characters for Killing Floor: Dante from Devil May Cry and imperial guardsmen from Warhammer 40k

Purchase Dante!
Purchase Guardsmen!

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Auto punishment system mutator for Killing Floor

Auto punishment system (stop teamkillers, freshmeats, afk).

Custom Lobby menu mutator

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Custom lobby menu. Enable you to set personal logo (instead of video advertisment) and welcome sound like in CS:S.


«Introduction to UnrealScript» 2nd edition

Sorry, this entry is only available in Русский.

Universal 3D model importer ( 3DX Ripper guide )

As a rule there are special resource tools for most famous games. But if there aren’t the 3DX Ripper is the one!

3DX Ripper logo

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