Specimenation Versus Mod beta 4 for Killing Floor


Mutator allows players to fight as humans and specimens against each other. This is fixed version of Specimenation Versus Mod beta 3.


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    - updated for 1046 patch
    - remove useless text from hud
    - remove zed flashlight
    - add crosschair for Husk and Patriach
    - add alternative attacks for Husk, Bloat and Stalker (cloaking)
    - add 4 attacks, invisibility, speed to Patriach
    - Patriarch and Gorefast can strafe
    - Patriarch calls buddy squad when healing
    - add perk level bonus weapons at spawn
    - remove xray vision for humans
    - change human respawn way

    Patriarch additional command binds:

    Shift=BossSpeedUp | Onrelease BossSpeedDown


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